To Join MWBU please complete the form below and send us the fees set out below via bank transfer.
We’ll be in contact once the fees have cleared and have processed the application
If for some reason you don’t hear in a reasonable time, back please email

Note regarding MWBU communications:
On joining, all new members will be added to our WhatsApp chat group and our game allocation system HorizonWebRef.
We currently use Whatsapp and emails for communications with our members regarding games that need umpires or short notice changes to fields etc. This requires a mobile number and for the member to install WhatsApp on their phone
Our umpire allocation system, HorizonWebRef only communicates via emails so a valid email address is required.
For junior members we prefer to have direct contact details, however are also happy to have parent details as a proxy instead if thats works better for you
Please review the BaseballNSW Code of Conduct and check the box below to confirm that you agree to adhere to it